Dans la collection de comixfan 
Monster by Emil Ferris - Illustration originale

Monster by Emil Ferris

Illustration originale
Encre de Chine


This was the top piece at the Emil Ferris original art gallery show for the Lucca comic convention. It later returned to the gallery that had loaned the art and I jumped on the chance to own it. I read the book early in its printing but a little after all the hype had started. I remember the first 2 offerings of original art from the book and had trouble finding a piece I thought was representational enough of both the mood and style of the book and featured the main character. I think I found my piece. Thank you to Rina from Gallerie Martel for working with me on this one.

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A propos de Emil Ferris

Emil Ferris est une dessinatrice américaine qui a surtout travaillé dans l'illustration. Elle acquiert une notoriété soudaine comme auteure de bande dessinée en 2017 avec Moi, ce que j'aime, c'est les monstres (My Favorite Thing Is Monsters), récit de plus de 800 pages publié par Fantagraphics mettant en scène Karen Reyes, petite fille qui cherche à résoudre le meurtre de sa belle voisine juive dans le Chicago des années 1960.