In Dukefleed 's collection
Mike Deodato Jr., Mike Deodato - Punisher Force of Nature #1 cover - Original Cover

Mike Deodato - Punisher Force of Nature #1 cover

Original Cover


So Punisher has killed the marvel universe long before Deadpool.. but he's also fought Moby Dick long before Deadpool killustrated came out where Deadpool killed the famous whale. As you may or may not know - I relish this kind of humour.

Besides the ridiculous concept, the reason I went after this cover is the stunning art. What makes this cover so cool for me is the intricate rendering by master artist Mike Deodato. One of the things I love about this artist is his diverse style and strong inking abilities.

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About Mike Deodato Jr.

Mike Deodato sometimes credited as Mike Deodato Jr., is the professional pseudonym of Brazilian comic book artist Deodato Taumaturgo Borges Filho. One of Deodato's first works was a 1993 photo-realistic comic book adaptation of the television series Beauty and the Beast published by Innovation Publishing. Deodato became famous in the North American comic book industry for his work with writer William Messner-Loebs on Wonder Woman. After his Wonder Woman project he had a short stint as the penciller of The Mighty Thor, where he worked with writer Warren Ellis, and later drew Glory for Rob Liefeld's Extreme Studios at Image Comics and Maximum Press.