Dans la collection de Jnguye1
Marvel Villians (Thanos, Magneto, Dr. Doom, Hela, Venom, Dormammu) by Ariel Olivetti - Illustration originale

Marvel Villians (Thanos, Magneto, Dr. Doom, Hela, Venom, Dormammu) by Ariel Olivetti

Illustration originale
Peinture - huile


Ariel is hands down one of my favorite painters. His unique style and vivrant paint really makes his art different. The colors on this piece turned out amazing.
I reached out to Ariel to hilight my favorite villians from each of the major marvel lines. MAGNETO from xmen
drdoom from fantasticfour
venom from spiderman
hela from thor
dormammu from the mystic universe drstrange
thanos from avengers and cosmic universe
Asgard has always been a favorite setting so had to include the rainbow bridge

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A propos de Ariel Olivetti

Ariel Olivetti est un auteur argentin de comics, connu entre autres pour ses travaux sur Daredevil, les X-Men, Space Ghost ou The Punisher War Journal. Ensuite il crée en 1992 "El Cazador de Aventuras" un comics pour adulte avec Jorge Lucas, Mauro Cascioli & Claudio Ramirez.