Dans la collection de Tristram
Luis Royo - Blood Moon - Illustration originale

Luis Royo - Blood Moon

Illustration originale
Peinture - acrylique


I went to visit Luis Royo at his studio in Zaragoza, Spain and spent many hours there looking through all his work over the years - that he and his wife were kind enough to share with me.

He has many inspirations and he is also a big fan of Frank Miller and the characters he has created and depicted over the years. As I am also we had much to discuss and I was absolutely blown away with this piece - reminded me of Miho from Sin City too though of course not actually her.

Luis Royo truly is one of the all time greatest artists when it comes to the ladies.

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A propos de Luis Royo

Luis Royo est un artiste peintre et illustrateur espagnol. En 1978, il se tourne vers la BD et commence à publier des récits complets. Ses travaux illustrent également des couvertures pour différents éditeurs.

Autres planches originales et illustrations liées à Luis Royo :