In Griffen 's collection
Gilbert Hernandez, Love & Rockets vol.1 #30 (1989) pg. 19 - Comic Strip

Love & Rockets vol.1 #30 (1989) pg. 19

Comic Strip
11 x 14 cm (4.33 x 5.51 in.)


Beto 2020


When I bought my first issue Love & Rockets I became obsessed with how Gilbert drew landscapes especially his skies, so I am extremely happy to have this page.

This is page 19 of Love & Rockets vol.1 #30, and is in Poison River Chapter 2. The page features Eduardo, his shovel and Luba crossing the country. Poison River is one of my favorite Gilbert stories, it was the first story of his I read where he seemed to really be pushing himself and the audience, and it's amazing that decades later he is still doing that with his current comics like Blubber. Incredibly reductive but I always felt that Jaime makes comics about punk rock while Gilbert's comics are punk rock. This is in no way a slight against Jaime, who is one of the all time great cartoonists.

This page has a paste up on the bottom panel's far left covering some black on the side presumably another tree as well as a small heart that is broken. This piece with the paste up is how it appears in the Poison River collections.

Pencil, blue pencil, ink, white out and paste up on bristol board.

11" x 14"

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About Gilbert Hernandez

Gilberto Hernández), usually credited as Gilbert Hernandez and also by the nickname Beto is an American cartoonist. He is best known for his Palomar/Heartbreak Soup stories in Love and Rockets, an alternative comic book he shared with his brothers Jaime and Mario.

More comic art by Gilbert Hernandez :