In DogMengo  's collection
Paul Geerts, Le Rapin de Rubens - De raap van Rubens - Comic Strip

Le Rapin de Rubens - De raap van Rubens

Comic Strip


De raap van Rubens


  • Le rapin de Rubens
  • Erasme
  • 06/1977
  • Interior page

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About Paul Geerts

Paul Geerts was the successor of Willy Vandersteen on the popular Flemish comic 'Suske en Wiske' for many years. Born in Turnhout, he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp at the age of 14, and worked as an window-dresser at the Innovation department store. His first illustrating assignments included advertisements for cinemas and silkscreens. Geerts made his comics debut in magazine Trouw en Lente with 'De Chorowietjes', written by E.H. Jan Hillen. Later on, he was also present in publications like Het Volk, 't Kapoentje, Ohee and Gazet van Antwerpen, and created the science fiction story 'De Melkweglopers' and 'De Verdwenen Smirrel' (collected in album in 1970). Text (c) Lambiek