In BillBaroud  's collection
Franz Zumstein, Le faucon du désert- album

Le faucon du désert- album "Hal Far"

Comic Strip


Planche 9

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About Franz Zumstein

Franz Zumstein has been drawing comics since an early age, but started his professional career as a teacher. His first comic, 'L'Escorte', was published in 1985 in magazine BDCH. He contributed his comics to several French, German and Swiss publishers. His most popular series, 'Die Himmelsstürmer', started in 1987. In 1998 he decided to do comics full-time. He had the opportunity in 2002 to illustrate the comic 'Im Land das die Zukunft erfand', designed to represent the Swiss country worldwide. It was translated into thirteen languages and sent to various embassies all over the world.