In Ghostin  's collection
TieKo, La compagnie des glaces T7 p30 cases 1 à 4 - Original art

La compagnie des glaces T7 p30 cases 1 à 4

Original art
Page publiée


  • Jdrien - Pietr
  • Dargaud
  • 11/2005
  • Page 32

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About TieKo

Thierry Cuquil is a French comic book artist, who works under the pen name TieKo. He was born in Toulouse, but has spent parts of his childhood in Rochefort, Fontenay Sous Bois, Compiègne, Amiens, Cherbourg and Blainville Sur Mer, and is currenly residing in the Caen area of Normandy. He grew up reading most of the French comics magazines around, as well as US superhero comics. He had been skribbling in his notebooks while in high school, and spent a dissatisfying period at the Academy of Fine Arts. Disillusioned by the artworld, he spent the next two years taking several odd jobs before finally picking up a pencil again. He joined the ACCABC group, an association for the promotion of comics in Normandy and published his first comic pages in the group's fanzines Tout Bulle Or Not To Bulle and Bol d'Encre. He turned professional in the early 2000s, when he was drew the two books of the historical series 'Le Chant des Terres' from scripts by JG Wallace at Éditions Paquet in 2002 and 2004. He worked with Studio Jotim (Philippe Bonifay, Christian Rossi, Loïc Malnati, Thierry Maurel, Jérôme Lereculey, André Le Braz, a.o.) on the graphics of five books in the adaptation of Georges-Jean Arnaud's post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel series 'La Compagnie des Glaces' ('The Ice Company') at Dargaud (2006-2007). Text (c) Lambiek