In zzutak 's collection
Alfredo Alcalá,

"Hawks of Outremer," page 14 (unpublished Savage Sword of Conan story)

Original Illustration


These pages came to me framed, and with no information as to what they are, or what their intended use was. After removing the frames and mattes, I discovered character names at the bottom of this page: Sieur Gerard and Michael de Bois. Being the curious type, I scoured the web to try to unravel the mystery. After quite a while searching using combinations of these names, Conan, Robert E. Howard etc, I discovered that the characters (and scenes depicted on each page) are from a Cormac FitzGeoffrey story by Howard called "Hawks of Outremer."
So, these lovely pages are repurposed from that story to feature Conan instead of Cormac, the half-Norman, half-Gael Knight who is taking part in the Third Crusade.
Savage Sword of Conan #222 began an adaptation of "Hawks of Outremer", with Conan the Barbarian replacing Fitzgeoffrey as the main character, and the real-life locations swapped for those of the Hyborian Age.

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About Alfredo Alcalá

Alfredo Alcala is a Filipino comic strip artist. The main series to which he has contributed are Conan and Swamp Thing, primarily as an inker.