In StormEmber 's collection
Happy family by Apri Kusbiantoro - Original Illustration

Happy family

Original Illustration


Fanart of Don Lawrence's "Storm". Storm and Ember together with our OC, their daughter Cerina as baby.

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About Apri Kusbiantoro

Apriyadi Kusbiantoro was born on the Indonesian island of Lombok in 1976. He graduated from the Indonesian Art Institute in Jogjakarta and now works as 2D and 3D animator. He is a founder member of Urak-Urek Studio which is specialized in advertising. He draws comics in his sparetime, and has published a variety of works in Indonesia through Balai Pustaka and Harian Jogja since 1995. In the US, his art has appeared in Dark Horse Presents and he has also worked with Dutch writer Sytze Algera on 'Close Call', a comic story inspired by Don Lawrence's 'Trigian Empire', for the Flemish magazine P@per. The first book of Kusbiantoro and Algera's sword & sorcery series 'De verloren jaren van Lemuria' was published by Dark Dragon Books in 2014. Api Kusbiantoro and writer Willem Ritstier launched their fantasy comic 'Saul' in StripGlossy in March 2017.