In Griffen 's collection
Ron Regé, Jr., Halcyon (2022) pg.16 - Comic Strip

Halcyon (2022) pg.16

Comic Strip
35.56 x 43.18 cm (14 x 17 in.)


Pencil and ink on bristol board.


Originally serialized in black and white in Ron Regé, Jr.'s monthly zine, later collected and colored and put out by Fantagraphics.

No one in comics like Regé, who since he started creating them has continually produced some of the most beautiful work in the medium. The clashing of Regé's style and themes always creates such an incredible contrast while at the same time complimenting each other so perfectly it creates a way of telling a story that is both clear, enjoyable and dense all while seeming to still withhold it's secrets.

After a wrong cosmic turn a being/angel/entity ends up on the other side of interdemential scrambling of themselves. This page depicts the being changing into an insect like creature, who's chest is becoming a portal to another world (and a couple of unsuspecting farmers).

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