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Enrique Breccia, Golgotha T01 - Alternative sketch cover - Sketch

Golgotha T01 - Alternative sketch cover

Mixed Media


Alternative direct color cover project for "Golgotha ​​T.1; the arena of the accursed" by Enrique BRECCIA. 2021.


Signed (bottom left): Enrique Breccia


64 ap. J.C. Lucius est le gladiateur le plus fort et le plus adulé de Pompéi. Son image plait à Julius, riche propriétaire terrien désireux d'être élu tribun de la plèbe. L'arrangement est conclu : Lucius le soutient dans sa candidature et prendra la fille de Julius comme épouse. Mais l'ultime combat de Lucius ne se déroule pas comme prévu : opposé à un colosse, Lucius perd son bras et sa dignité.

AD 64 JC Lucius is the strongest and most revered gladiator in Pompeii. His image appealed to Julius, a wealthy landowner who wanted to be elected tribune of the plebs. The arrangement is made: Lucius supports him in his candidacy and takes Julius' daughter as his wife. But Lucius' final battle does not go as planned: opposed to a colossus, Lucius loses his arm and his dignity.

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About Enrique Breccia

Enrique Breccia is an Argentinian historieta cartoonist, the son of Alberto Breccia, best known for the Alvar Mayor series with Carlos Trillo and Les Sentinelles for the European market with Xavier Dorison.