Dans la collection de giacod 
GIBSON GIRLS par Ferd Johnson - Illustration originale


Illustration originale
circa 1920
Encre de Chine
34 x 21 cm (13.39 x 8.27 in.)


Ferd Johnson, better known as a slapstick cartoonist, shows his skill as a realistic portrait artist in this lovely homage to the great Charles Dana Gibson and his iconic Gibson Girl images of the early 20th century. The result is a far cry from Johnson's work on such boisterous comic strips as Texas Slim and Moon Mullins.

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A propos de Ferd Johnson

Ferdinand Johnson, dit Ferd Johnson (né à Spring Creek et le mort à Irvine) est un auteur de bande dessinée américain qui a travaillé sur le comic strip Moon Mullins de 1923 à sa retraite en 1991.