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Exterminateur 17 page by Enki Bilal - Planche originale

Exterminateur 17 page by Enki Bilal

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


Here is my pick up from San Diego comic con, a page by Yugoslavian phenom Enki Bilal paired with writer Jean_Pierre Dionnet from Metal Hurlant in 1978. This is a classic post-apocalyptic sci-fi story common in both Metal Hurlant and it's English language version, Heavy Metal. This is a key moment in the story as the consciousness of the leader is transferred into 17 as he dies. I had the pleasure of owning a Bilal page for over a decade but had to give it up as part of a trade deal in 2022. Immediately began my quest to replace it and I got this from an American comic art dealer. I am very happy with the art and content of the page

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A propos de Enki Bilal

Enes Bilal, dit Enki Bilal est un réalisateur, illustrateur, dessinateur et scénariste de bande dessinée né en 1951 à Belgrade et installé en France. Son œuvre se situe en partie dans la science-fiction et aborde notamment les thèmes du temps et de la mémoire. En 1987, il obtient le grand prix du festival d'Angoulême.