For sale - Emma - planche 12 by Philippe Bringel - Comic Strip

Emma - planche 12

Comic Strip
Ballpoint pen
29.7 x 42 cm (11.69 x 16.54 in.)
Price : 750 €  [$]


Je vous propose cette planche du projet en cours " Les aventures d'Emma et la fourrure blanche" titre encore provisoire. cette planche est au format A3 ( 29.7x42) - technique au stylo bille - œuvre en noir et blanc.
Parution estimé fin 2023/24


Bringel 2022

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About Philippe Bringel

A graphic artist, sculptor and painter for many years, Philippe Bringel has also been a comic book illustrator since July 2007. It was on this date that the first opus in a fantasy-style comic cycle was published: "Jed'Kan", for which he is responsible for drawing and colouring.