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Elektra Assassin Promotional Poster Recreation by Bill Sienkiewicz - Illustration originale

Elektra Assassin Promotional Poster Recreation by Bill Sienkiewicz

Illustration originale
Peinture - acrylique


No, this is not the original piece that was used for the poster. This is a recreation done by Bill a few years ago at my request. It is about 11 x 17 inches where as the original is several times that size. Since I will never afford the original, I am very happy to have this in my collection and on my wall. I look at a it all the time as it is my favorite Bill Sienkiewicz image EVER!

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A propos de Bill Sienkiewicz

Boleslav Felix Robert Sienkiewicz connu sous le nom de Bill Sienkiewicz, est un illustrateur de bande dessinée américain rendu particulièrement célèbre pour son travail sur la série Elektra: Assassin (1986) avec le scénariste Frank Miller.

Autres planches originales et illustrations liées à Bill Sienkiewicz :