Dans la collection de TT
José Maria Taggino, El CAMINO DE LA SILLA ELÈCTRICA - Planche originale


Planche originale
circa 1963
Encre de Chine
Lavis bleu, gouache blanche, textes collés
28.5 x 42 cm (11.22 x 16.54 in.)


Published IN "PATORUZITO SEMANAL Nº889" (PAGE 8), "EDITORIAL DANTE QUINTERNO". TAGGINO born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Born in 1919, José began his career in 1938, drawing for La Razón. He did humorous comics like 'Goyito' and 'Archibaldo'. He is however best known for his realistic work, like the adaptations of films that he made for Aventuras from 1947. For many years, he was an illustrator for Editorial Columba, while he also drew for the magazine Ping Pong of Editorial Difusión. In 1955 he was present in Poncho Negro with the police adventure series 'El Hombre Cometa', written by Pílo Mayo (Rafael Dante). So in the 1950's worked in the Editorial Dante Quinterno, in the comic magazines Patoruzù & Patoruzito. His historical serial 'Esto Pasó' appeared in the newspaper La Prensa between 1964 and 1979. In addition he drew for La Nación, Noticias Gráficas and Nueva Palabra.


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