In Skalda73 's collection
Tom Raney, Brad Vancata, Double Dragon #1, page n.1 - Comic Strip

Double Dragon #1, page n.1

Comic Strip

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About Tom Raney

Tom Raney is an American comic book artist. He began his career in the early 1990s and has worked extensively for Marvel Comics. After some early work on 'Warlock' titles, he has had runs on titles like 'Annihilation Conquest' (2007-08), 'Alpha Flight', 'Ultimate X-Men', 'Uncanny X-Men', and 'Dark Reign: Hawkeye,' (2009). He has also worked for DC, starting with contributions to 'Forgotten Realms' in the early 1990s, and then some art on titles like 'DV8', 'Stormwatch' and 'Outsiders'.