Dans la collection de Griffen
Alex Graham, Dog Biscuits (2021) pg.341 - Planche originale

Dog Biscuits (2021) pg.341

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
Sharpie pen
21.59 x 27.94 cm (8.5 x 11 in.)


Page from Alex Graham's Dog Biscuits in both the self-published (2021) and Fantagraphics editions (2022) of the story.

This page originally appeared on Alex's Instagram account on December 15, 2020.

Pencil, Sharpie pen and white out on copy paper.


Gussy ends his long walk from his car to the end of the pier to find Rosie drunk. This is the beginning of the end, although he doesn't know it yet. At this point in Alex Graham's serialized Instagram story Dog Biscuits her art and storytelling are really firing on all cylinders. The seagulls and Rosie waiting at the pier are referenced on the cover of the Fantagraphics edition cover.


  • Dog Biscuits
  • Fantagraphics
  • 2022-06-28
  • Page intérieure

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A propos de Alex Graham

Alexander Steel Graham, dit Alex Graham est un auteur de bande dessinée britannique, surtout connu pour avoir créé en 1963 le comic strip Fred Basset, qu'il a animé jusqu'à son décès.

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