In Doyle 's collection
Tom Chantrell, Doctor Maniac & Whispers of Fear (1976) - Original Illustration

Doctor Maniac & Whispers of Fear (1976)

Original Illustration


Tom Chantrell double-bill Horror movie poster painting depicted in b&w to (perhaps) reflect the fact the movies it promotes were obscure low-budget affairs. Chantrell was more famous for his series of Horror posters for Hammer films during the 1960s and early 1970s. Interestingly, Chantrell ‘borrows’ the image of the cowering woman for WHISPERS OF FEAR pretty much as she appeared in his earlier painting for FRANKENSTEIN CREATED WOMAN (1967).


“A mad scientist (Mark Burns) is conducting hideous occult experiments at the family estate of Brattling Manor, monkeying about with things man was not meant to know, including the transfer and containment of living souls. It's only a matter of time before he begins to experiment on the souls of human beings . . . including his own family.”

Was shot under the title SHADOWS OVER BRIDGE PLACE, but later released as HOUSE OF THE LIVING DEAD and CURSE OF THE DEAD to cash- in on the then-popular zombie movies, even though there are no zombies in the movie whatsoever!


“A woman inherits an old house in Wales, but is driven to madness and murder by jealous locals.”

Director: Harry Bromley Davenport.

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About Tom Chantrell

Thomas William Chantrell generally known as Tom Chantrell, was a British illustrator and film poster artist.