In BudGargaglu  's collection
Corrado Mastantuono, Joe Lonsdale, DEADWOOD DICK - planche 93 - Comic Strip

DEADWOOD DICK - planche 93

Comic Strip
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L'album (italien)


Une planche bien saignante de la deuxième partie.
Mastantuono y est encore une fois formidable !

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About Corrado Mastantuono

Born in Rome, Corrado Mastanuono got his degree at the Istituto Nazionale per la Cinematografica e la Televiona. He worked as an animator until 1989. He began his comics career in the magazine L'Eternauta in 1990. He began a longtime cooperation with the Italian Disney production the same year. He also joined Bonelli publishers, where he started out illustrating the series 'Nick Raider', for which he also became the cover artist. From 1998, he is a staff artist on the series 'Magico Vento'. Text (c) Lambiek