Dans la collection de Simone74
DAREDEVIL # 83 p.9 par Michael Lark - Planche originale

DAREDEVIL # 83 p.9

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
Michael Lark's pencils and inks on Marvel board.
28 x 44 cm (11.02 x 17.32 in.)
Daredevil vol. 2 n.83
Detail 1.
Detail 2.
Detail 3.


Daredevil vol.2 n. 83 p. 9

Inscriptions / Signatures

Signed by Mchael Lark


In the last three decades Daredevil has probably been the Marvel character that has got the best artists on the USA busines and the best cutting edge storylines, from Frank Miller,David Mazzuchelli to Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada until Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark and Stefano Gaudiano. I' ve really loved the Brubaker/ Lark run so I hope you may enjoy this my little gallery as I loved their stories. The Brubaker's storyline is brave, bold and mature, and the Lark/Gaudiano' art, urban, dark and realistic is absolutely perfect for it. The experience is seeing a crime fiction movie on paper for rhythm, sequences, mood and characterization. The perfect example is this page in which Matt Murdock punches the prison cell' s walls but in his rage delirium it' s like if He has been training in a boxing gym under his loved father's eyes and the Lark's art is perfect for representing that mood.

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A propos de Michael Lark

Michael Lark est un dessinateur et coloriste américain de bandes dessinées. Lark a réalisé les crayons de Batman, Terminal City, Gotham Central et Legend of the Hawkman pour DC Comics, ainsi que ceux de The Pulse et Captain America pour Marvel Comics. Il a créé Lazarus avec Greg Rucka, contribuant à chaque numéro.

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