Dans la collection de Sanderg
Joe Colquhoun, Pat Mills, Cover Charley's War - Battle for Fort Vaux (Verdun) - Couverture originale

Cover Charley's War - Battle for Fort Vaux (Verdun)

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine
30 x 30 cm (11.81 x 11.81 in.)
Battle Action Magazine no 293- December 1980
Fort Vaux 1916


Original Charley's war cover drawing for Battle Action Magazine no 293


I am truly thrilled to have been able to acquire an original cover of the incredible Charley’s war series.

Described by Andrew Harrison as "the greatest British comic strip ever created", Charley's War tells the story of an underage British soldier, called Charley Bourne.

Being a historian with a particular interest in World War One, I have been looking for an original piece of art of the amazing Joe Colquhoun for a long time. Original pieces of the Charley’s war series however are very hard to find..

The cover depicts a fruitless attempt by French reinforcement troops to relieve the defense forces at Fort Vaux during the battle of Verdun.

In the series, Charley meets a deserter, an Englishman of the French foreign legion called Blue who was part of the defense forces of the fort. When he tells Charley his story, this begins with the moment that the defense forces have to depend on themselves since, unfortunately, their comrades can not relieve them due to heavy German resistance.

The cover appeared on the UK magazine Battle Action Magazine no 293 in December 1980 (the year I was born actually)

The defence of Fort Vaux was marked by the heroism and endurance of the garrison, including Major Sylvain-Eugene Raynal. Under his command, the French garrison repulsed German assaults, including fighting underground from barricades inside the corridors, during the first big engagement inside a fort during the First World War. The last men of the French garrison gave up after running out of water (some of which was poisoned), ammunition, medical supplies and food.

Although World War One happed more than 100 years ago already it is most important that the rememberance is being kept.
Charley’s war does this in a most impressive way and is therefore, to my opinion, one of the best anti war comics ever made. It is, to my opinion, on the same level as Tardi’s ‘it was the war of the trenches’.

Highly recommended

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A propos de Joe Colquhoun

Après avoir servi dans la Royal Navy en 1943, il reprend ses études au Art College. Il débute dans Conqueror en 1951 puis en 1952 il dessine un long feuilleton Légionnaire Terry's Desert Quest, suivi de Bif Benbow (1953) et Wildfire (1953-54). Il reprend ensuite la série Roy of the Rovers en 1954 (traduit dans Capitaine Rob des éditions mondiales entre 1959 et 1962), puis Paddy Payne (les aventures d'un pilote de chasse au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale) pour la revue Lion de 1957 à 1964. Suivent le tarzanide Saber King of the Jungle en 1967 (traduit en français par Yataca dans la revue homonyme), Football Family Robinson, Adam Eterno et Kid Chameleon. Sa bande la plus populaire est Charley's War (1979-86) qui conte les aventures d'un soldat pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Il a également illustré Zip Nolan (1974-76)

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