In JCS  's collection
Corto MALTESE by Hugo Pratt - Original Cover


Original Cover
Sous cadre


Couverture originale pour le magazine argentin "CORTO MALTES" créé pour "EDICIONES ENREGISTRENT S.C.A. Carlos Pellegrini", 1974.
La couverture est signée "Hugo Pratt" mais probablement réalisée par un autre artiste (même si l'autographe de Pratt semble véritable).
cartonné, format 35 x 25 cm

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About Hugo Pratt

Hugo Pratt is considered to be one of the greatest among comic artists for his versatile fantasy and use of graphic freedom, and the combination of these factors resulted in very strange stories. In his tales, reality can change into dream and vice-versa, and in this way he took his readers into the strangest lands and even through time. He is thought to be one of the first comic artists to mix literature with adventure. Hugo Pratt has been a great inspiration to comic artists all over the world.