Dans la collection de FanDePlanches 
Ken Kelly, Conan - Scourge of the Bloody Coast - Couverture originale

Conan - Scourge of the Bloody Coast

Couverture originale
Peinture - huile
82 x 126 cm (32.28 x 49.61 in.)
full painting
Book cover


Oil on board with artist monogram and date lower right, 1993, cover of Leonard Carpenter book entitled Conan Scourge of the Bloody Coast, Tor Publishing, N.Y., 1994, 32 x 49 1/2, framed 36 x 51 1/2".

Inscriptions / Signatures

Signed Ken Kelly on the lower right


Oui oui, vous avez bien vu les dimensions du tableau ^-^ . Ca prend de la place au mur :)
Très impressionnant en vrai.

Ken Kelly is the nephew of Eleanor Frazetta, wife of Frank Frazetta, and was born in New London, Connecticut in 1946;
During the 1970 he was one of the foremost cover artists for Creepy & Eerie magazines.

I consider having acquired a very nice composition, meanwhile the quest for a Frazetta continues...

This art is absolutely stunning, but can consider a trade.

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