In goldgrube  's collection
Buichi Terasawa, Cobra Space Adventure | L'Arme absolue | Secret of the Ultimate Weapon | pg 126 - Comic Strip

Cobra Space Adventure | L'Arme absolue | Secret of the Ultimate Weapon | pg 126

Comic Strip
25.5 x 36 cm (10.04 x 14.17 in.)
French cover


L'arme absolue (Cobra #3 最終兵器の謎 - Saishûeiki no nazo, Le Mystère de l'arme ultime, 1980)


  • L'Arme absolue vol. 1
  • Taifu Comics
  • 09/2008
  • Interior page

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About Buichi Terasawa

In the early days of his career, while still unknown, Terasawa contributed comics to a magazine that won him a prize, an event that led him deeper into the world of comics. In 1976 he moved to Tokyo and began to study under the famous Japanese manga artist, Osamu Tezuka. During the period he worked with the Manga Department of Tezuka Productions, his illustration work entitled "Mother Earth, Turn Green Again" was awarded the Tezuka Award. In 1977, he began drawing for Weekly Shōnen Jump, a Japanese manga publication. From around the beginning of the 1980s, he began to see the personal computer as a tool for the creative purposes. In 1985, he kicked off an eight-color comic book series called "BAT". In the ensuing years, in parallel with advances in the personal computer, he created "TAKERU" (1992), the world's first computer graphics comic book series. Next came "COBRA", "BAT" and "GUNDRAGON SIGMA" (In this latter series, only the main character is drawn by hand) and several other works. His works include original works, scenarios and works he has directed. Representative works include a CD-ROM format work for use with a PC, "COBRA II, A Man of Legend" and original animation videos such as "GOKU", "GOKU II", "Raven Tengu Kabuto" and others. Buichi Terasawa's works are translated and published in more than ten countries.

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