Chéret : Domino tome 2 planche 15 - Comic Strip

Chéret : Domino tome 2 planche 15

Comic Strip
41 x 50.5 cm (16.14 x 19.88 in.)


André Chéret : Domino tome 2 "Cavalcade pour Domino" planche 15. Album paru aux éditions du Lombard en 1979, scénario Van Hamme.

Encre de chine sur papier. Dimensions : 41x50,5 cms


  • Cavalcade pour Domino
  • Lombard
  • 05/1979
  • Interior page

See also:   Domino

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About André Chéret

André Chéret is a French comic strip artist. His best-known work is probably Rahan, which he drew from 1969 onwards with Roger Lecureux and then with his son Jean-François Lecureux, who took over the series when his father died. He also created the Domino series with scriptwriter Greg and then Van Hamme.