In alaflamouth  's collection
Charlie by Charlie Schlingo - Sketch



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About Charlie Schlingo

Charlie Schlingo worked in a factory, before he turned to comics. His first work appeared in a fanzine in 1975. A year later, he began his own magazine, called Le Havane Primesautier. He began his professional career in 1978, launching series like 'Tampon Destartinn' in B.D. and 'Desiré Gogueneau' in Charlie Mensuel. In 1979, he began his third series, 'Josette de Rechange' in Charlie Hebdo and Hara-Kiri. From the 1980s he expanded his activities, appearing in a variety of magazines, such as Pilote, Sandwich, Viper, Le Petit Psikopat Illustré, L'Écho des Savanes, Chic, Rigolo and Métal Hurlant. For the latter magazine, he created several comical absurd stories, and he wrote a gag series for Stéphane Rosse. Several collections of his work have appeared at several publishers, such as Artefact, Le Square, Albin Michel, Futuropolis, Les Hummanoïdes Associés and Magic-Strip. In 1991, he founded the juvenile magazine Grodada along with Rosse. Two years later, he joined the new team of Hara-Kiri. In 1995, he began a second version of Grodada. He created such comics as 'Monsieur Madame' and he returned to L'Écho des Savanes. Together with Pirus, he created the comic 'Canetor' in magazine Picsou and Ferraille Illustré. Charlie Schlingo passed away in June 2005 at the age of 49. Text (c) Lambiek

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