In occultis  's collection
Cerebus cover by Dave Sim - Original Cover

Cerebus cover

Original Cover
Cover without overlay


Cover for Swords of Cerebus 3, a trade paperback from 1981 collecting Cerebus 9-12. The cover illustration features assorted friends (more or less) and foes of Cerebus: K´Cor, Elrod, The Roach and Red Sophia. All good fun.

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About Dave Sim

David Victor Sim (born 17 May 1956) is a Canadian cartoonist and publisher, best known for his comic book Cerebus, his artistic experimentation, his advocacy of self-publishing and creator's rights, and his controversial political, philosophical and religious beliefs. Sim dropped out of high school to pursue a career in comics, and rose to prominence after he began Cerebus in December 1977. Initially, Cerebus was a parody of Conan the Barbarian and other sword and sorcery comics, but after two years Sim came to conceive of the series as a self-complete work, which would run for 300 issues and be subdivided into "novels". By the time the 6000-page work was completed in March 2004, Sim had delved into politics, theology, metaphysics, and a controversial examination of feminism and gender issues, while becoming progressively more sophisticated and experimental in his storytelling and artwork.