Dans la collection de DrHackenbusch 
Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge #13 Land Beneath the Ground 1955 - Planche originale

Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge #13 Land Beneath the Ground 1955

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4

Inscriptions / Signatures



Beautiful original Halfpage by the great Carl Barks from one of his most famous adventure stories “Land beneath the Ground”. The artwork was completed by Barks in August 1955 with 32 pages, of which 5 pages were cut/censored upon publication in March 1956 (US #13). This page was originally meant as the upper half of page 7, but was among the pages cut/censored from the initial publication, which is also the reason the page survived in the first place. From the 5 pages cut from the story initially, only 1 1/2 pages (2 halfpages & 2 double panels) are known to have survived...46cmx32cm...since it was first published in the Carl Barks library it has been reprinted numerous times...

No Scrooge or Donald, but I love all the lush blacks as well as the dynamic panels and adventurous aura Barks was able to convey to the reader...lots of Indiana Jones in this one... ;-))

Between 1942 and 1966/67 Carl Barks wrote and drew over 6700 comic book pages, most of which have sadly been destroyed. Only a mere 200 pages have survived the times... From his best period, the 1940's to late 1950's only about 40 pages have survived (30 if you discount the Milkman story which was stolen from the Disney archives) almost all of these because they were censored, either by the Disney editors or Barks himself...

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A propos de Carl Barks

Carl Barks est un auteur de bande dessinée américain. Employé par Western Publishing, un éditeur de "comics" américains pour Disney, il dessina pendant de nombreuses années des bandes dessinées mettant en scène le personnage de Donald Duck et ses proches.Il a grandement étoffé l'univers de Donaldville, en créant notamment Balthazar Picsou et la plupart des personnages qui s'y rapportent.