In EMPIRE 's collection
Blue Couverture by Roberto Baldazzini - Original Cover

Blue Couverture

Original Cover

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About Roberto Baldazzini

After getting his diploma as an expert in commerce, Roberto Baldazzini followed several art courses. In 1980, he co-founded the fanzine Pinguino, for which he created the character 'Ronnie Fumoso', from a text written by Daniele Brolli. His first professional work appeared in Orient Express magazine in 1980. This was the 'Alan Hassad' series, also written by Brolli. In 1984, his heroine 'Stella Noris' was born, out of a scenario by Lorena Canossa Baldazzini. This comic was continued until 1992 in Comic Art Magazine after the demise of Orient Express. At the same time, Baldazzini worked in the advertising field. From 1995 he starts a cooperation with Blue magazine, where he began focusing on erotic comics, featuring new characters like 'Ginger & Rogers', 'Angela' and 'Chiara Rosenberg'. His graphic style plays with black and white, and his talent for depicting sensual women has made him a regular guest in several erotic magazines, such as Glamour, Blue, Diva, Penthouse Comix and Geisha. Text (c) Lambiek