Dans la collection de joefox 
Gabriele Dell'Otto, Batman Cover: france Batman #1 - germany Batman #25 - Couverture originale

Batman Cover: france Batman #1 - germany Batman #25

Couverture originale
29 x 42 cm (11.42 x 16.54 in.)
Batman from Pencil to Cover!
German: Batman #25
France: Batman #1


Batman was a gift to my 40th and has turned in to a cover for the german and french market. later it was published in the USA too. Colors are all made with a PC Programm. Original is pencil.

Inscriptions / Signatures

Signed by Dell'otto

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A propos de Gabriele Dell'Otto

Gabriele Dell'Otto est un illustrateur et dessinateur de comics Italien. Gabriele Dell'Otto travaille pour Marvel Comics et DC Comics.

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