Dans la collection de Mario1968
Avengers #1 Variant Cover (The Heroic Age - 2010),John Romita Sr. - Couverture originale

Avengers #1 Variant Cover (The Heroic Age - 2010),John Romita Sr.

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine
Published comic


Avengers:the Heroic Age....
This NEW team of Avengers features 3 classic Avengers heroes: IRON MAN, THOR, and CAPTAIN AMERICA! Also added to the team are John Romita's co creation WOLVERINE as well as THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN added to the team! The Thor image was cut and placed perfectly back into the cover, as John Romita drew Thor on another board and added the new art to the cover. Thor is placed perfectly into position and no art whatsoever is affected for this change on the cover!
All,pencil and ink by John Romita .........................A Xerox copy of John Romita's 11 by 17 inch pencils (before Romita finished with ink) showing both versions of Thor with the other characters(look the additional image)...nice little bonus:........some ink work from Romita on the pencil copy,ink on Shield from Cap,Thor's hand and his (Mjolnir)Hammer and on the Wolvie claws +some pencil on Spidey.
so i have a extra original art from Romita , a xerox copy but with some original ink+pencil.
the copy is near 11X17.

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A propos de John Romita

John Romita est un dessinateur de comics américain. À partir de 1966, il est en particulier le dessinateur de The amazing Spider-Man, succédant à Steve Ditko. Il reste sur la série jusqu'au début des années 1970.