In Zenitram  's collection
Autoprotrait de jean trubert - 1950 ? - Comic Strip

Autoprotrait de jean trubert - 1950 ?

Comic Strip
Mixed Media


On admire le dessin et la qualité du portrait ...

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About Jean Trubert

After his studies in Applied Arts in Paris, Jen Trubert started his comic career making humorous drawings for Le Dimanche Illustré, Le Rire and L'Épatant. In the 1920s, he also took on professional boxing, while his illustrations appeared in the boxing magazine La Quinzaine du Ring. His first real comic, 'Verdevase et Bidar' appeared in 1933 in Jeudi. He continued his activities in the magazines of the Société Parissienne d'Édition: Le Petit Illustré, L'As, Fillette, and Junior. At the same time Trubert created several comic books, like 'M. Piton', 'Capitaine Pipe', 'Le Marquis de la Panse d'A' and 'Colonel Stick', 'Mousse et Boule' and 'Rique Puce'. Although Trubert had a large oeuvre, he is mostly remembered for his 'Chevalier Printemps' series, a humorous series set in the Middle Ages. Trubert created the series in 1948 in Baby Journal, and it was continued in numerous magazines, including Bravo!, Cri-Cri and Pierrot. hile working on this series, Jen Trubert also created comics for Tintin, Pilote, Vaillant, Amis-Coop, Nade, Benjamin and Fripounet. From 1959 to 1962, Trubert modernized Pinchon's 'Bécassine' series and created three albums for that character. Text (c) Lambiek