Dans la collection de ArieK
Wim Lensen, Piet Wijn, 1973 - Puk en Poppedijn (Colored page - Dutch KV) - Planche originale

1973 - Puk en Poppedijn (Colored page - Dutch KV)

Planche originale
Techniques mixtes
Page publication
Book publication


Piet WIJN (Pieter Cornelis Wijn) - 1929/2010 - The Netherlands
Puk en Poppedijn 3 - De twistappelboom
Page in color - Ink + ecoline on paper - 34x 29 cm
Publication in Dutch magazines 'De Spiegel' and 'Prinses' 1973, publication in book 1995.

Coloring Wim Lensen - Born 1914 - The Netherlands

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