Dans la collection de occultis 
1963 page par Rick Veitch, Don Simpson, Alan Moore - Planche originale

1963 page

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


1963 - Tales of the Uncanny page 5


This is page 5 from Tales of the Uncanny - a chapter in Alan Moore´s 1963 series. The series is created as a pastiche of Marvel superhero comics as they were in 1963 - when Moore was a boy and an eager Marvel comics fan. Of course Moore had to include an alternative take on the John F. Kennedy murder in a series called 1963, and this page depicts his take on one of the most spectacular episodes connected to that murder: Jack Ruby´s killing of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Too bad the 1963 series was not concluded.

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A propos de Rick Veitch

Rick Veitch étudie à l'école d'art de Joe Kubert où il rencontre Stephen Bissette. Il travaille ensuite pour de nombreux éditeurs dont DC Comics. Il prend la suite d'Alan Moore au scénario de Swamp Thing. Il crée ensuite son propre comics Roarin' Rick's Rare Bit Friends' dream. Il travaille avec Alan Moore sur le personnage de Greyshirt publié dans l'anthologie Twomorrow stories.