For sale - Will : Tif et Tondu tome 22 EO, dédicace - Sketch

Will : Tif et Tondu tome 22 EO, dédicace

Felt-tip pen
21 x 29.7 cm (8.27 x 11.69 in.)
Price : 140 €  [$]
Album 1er plat
Album 4ème plat


Will : Tif et Tondu, dédicace dans l'édition originale de l'album tome 22 "Un plan démoniaque". Album en mauvais état.

Feutre indélébile.

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About Will

Willy Maltaite known by the pseudonym Will, was a comics creator and comics artist in the Franco-Belgian tradition. In the genre known in francophone countries as bande dessinée, Will is considered one of the Gang of 4 (which also included André Franquin, Morris, and Jijé), and a founding member of the Marcinelle school.