Dans la collection de driesdewulf 
Chris Ware - Jimmy Corrigan - Planche originale

Chris Ware - Jimmy Corrigan

Planche originale
circa 1999
Encre de Chine
37.5 x 60.3 cm (14.76 x 23.74 in.)
Upper half
Lower half
Publication upper half
Publication lower half
Paul Cézanne - Still Life With Cherries And Peaches


"Jimmy and Amy at the hospital"
The Acme Novelty Library #14

I would like to thank Scott Eder for making this addition to my collection possible.

As you may have noticed Chris Ware has a central place in my collection and I consider this page as the best example I have.

On the top half of the page you can see our hero on the toilet in the hospital imagining his future encounter with his half-sister Amy. On the bottom half Amy is in the waiting room of the hospital - where their father has been brought in after a car accident - contemplating on meeting her half-brother.

A lot of details and references throughout the page. If you want to soak up the details I invite you to explore the additional images (and the great) zoom-function on 2DG.

The fictional painting "Peaches" from Cézanne is based on the painting "Still Life With Cherries And Peaches" from the LACMA collection.

Peaches are playing an important symbolic role througout Jimmy Corrigan.

In the "CORRIGENDA" (at the back of Jimmy Corrigan) you can read:
PEACH (pēch) n. A Soft, single-seeded stone fruit, with a pinkish, red-tinted downy skin, and moist dewy flesh; the tree, Prunus Persica, is a native to China, but has been widely cultivated throughout the world, have been spread by the Romans and then brought by the Spanish to America. see SYMBOL


You can see my other page from Jimmy Corrigan (where Jimmy meets his grandfather) here: https://www.2dgalleries.com/art/chris-ware-jimmy-corrigan-45755

Accolades for "Jimmy Corrigan"
- The American Book Award, 2001
- The Guardian First Book Award, 2001
- The Harvey Awards' Special Award for Excellence in Presentation and Best Graphic Album of Previously Published Work, 2001
- The Eisner Awards' Best Publication Design and Best Graphic Album: Reprint, 2001
- The Angoulême Festival's Prize for Best Comic Book "Fauve d'or" and Prix de la critique, 2003


  • Jimmy Corrigan
  • Pantheon Books
  • 11/2000
  • Page intérieure
  • Jimmy Corrigan
  • Delcourt
  • 11/2002
  • Page intérieure

Voir aussi :   Jimmy Corrigan


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A propos de Chris Ware

Franklin Christenson Ware, connu sous le nom de Chris Ware, est un auteur de bande dessinée américain. Il publie depuis 1993 l’Acme Novelty Library, série au format et à la périodicité irréguliers. Jimmy Corrigan, son œuvre principale (1995-2000), lui a valu de nombreux prix dans le monde anglophone (plusieurs prix Ignatz, Harved et Eisner, ainsi qu'un American Book Award et le Guardian First Book Award) comme francophone (Prix du meilleur album au festival d'Angoulême et Prix de la critique).

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