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Gene Colan, Dick Ayers, Captain America #129 p 3 par Gene Colan & Dick Ayers (1970) - Planche originale

Captain America #129 p 3 par Gene Colan & Dick Ayers (1970)

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


Superbe vignette de Red Skull (Crâne Rouge ou Crâne Ecarlate dans la version française)


The vengeance of... the Red Skull ! Par Stan Lee
"Steve Rogers is still enjoying riding his motorcycle around the countryside. The Red Skull notices that he is passing near a motorcade of King Hassab of Irabia, so he reroutes both to arrive in a small town at about the same time. He allows Cap to witness his abduction of the King, and leads him into a trap. Cap easily overcomes the trap and rescues Hassab, while the Skull ends up stuck in the rocket he had intended to use to launch the King into outer space."
Source : Marvel Database

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A propos de Gene Colan

Eugene Jules "Gene" Colan était un dessinateur américain de bandes dessinées, surtout connu pour son travail chez Marvel Comics, où il a notamment signé la série de super-héros Daredevil, la série satirique culte Howard the Duck et The Tomb of Dracula, considérée comme l'une des séries d'horreur classiques de la bande dessinée.