Original art : 1 - 3 on 3

Marvel Swimsuit Special #2 P17 : Morbius

Page 17
Gary Barker (Penciller) Jimmy Palmiotti (Inker)
Added by Ghostin - 12/28/22 280 , 0 , 0  

Marvel Swimsuit Special #2 P20: Gamora

Page 20
Jan Duursema
Added by Ghostin - 9/25/15 2,018 , 1 , 0  

Marvel Swimsuit Special #2 P43: Spider-Man 2099 Miguel O'Hara & Lyla

Page 43
Rick Leonardi (Penciller) Jimmy Palmiotti (Inker)
Added by Ghostin - 9/18/14 2,965 , 1 , 0  

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