In Marvelman 's collection
Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, X-Men #90 - Skrulls, X-Men and Galactus! - Comic Strip

X-Men #90 - Skrulls, X-Men and Galactus!

Comic Strip


A simply fantastic Davis/Farmer page with all the alien bells and whistle you could want!

Panicked Skrulls as good as any Neal Adams ever drew, the X-men on Graham the Skrull's gogglebox, and....GALACTUS!! Oh yes, and Nova blowing up a load of spaceships.

I could look at the design and brushwork on this for hours. And I will!

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About Alan Davis

Alan Davis is an English artist and writer of comic books, known for his work on titles such as Captain Britain, The Uncanny X-Men, ClanDestine, Detective Comics, Excalibur, JLA: The Nail and JLA: Another Nail.