In TAYABIS  's collection
Vick n°20 pl 6 by Juan Martínez Osete - Comic Strip

Vick n°20 pl 6

Comic Strip
27 x 37.5 cm (10.63 x 14.76 in.)


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About Juan Martínez Osete

Born in Totana (Murcia), Juan Alejandro Martínez Osete moved to Barcelona in 1943, where he spent all his time creating comics. Osete became known as an artist in all genres and fields, always willing to help when necessary. After some first exploits, he had his breakthrough from 1947 with comics like 'Yelmo Negro', 'La Máscara de los Dientes Blancos', 'El Príncipe Dani', 'Castor el Invencible', 'Red Dixon' and 'El Poder Invisible'. He collaborated on various 'Capitán Trueno' comics from 1963 and illustrated most of the El Jabato Extra collection. For Bravo, he produced 'Los Comandos de Africa'. His humorous comics appeared in periodicals like La Risa, Hipo, Pim Pam Pum, Merche, Pulgarcito and DDT, featuring characters like 'Sidi Omar', 'El Sheriff Paco', 'Tito Sandungo', 'Paco Bruto', 'Durand y Dupont' and 'Yusuf'. He retired when Bruguera closed down in 1986. Text (c) Lambiek