In GAG  's collection
Josep Coll, Ventajas de la gordura - Comic Strip

Ventajas de la gordura

Comic Strip

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About Josep Coll

Josep Coll was a Spanish comic artist, and one of the main contributors to the humorous TBO magazine during the 1950s and 1960s. As a member of a middle-class family, he had to begin working in a quarry at the age of 12 during the Spanish Civil War. However, he managed to pursue an education at the School of Industrial Arts and Crafts in Barcelona on the side. He began his professional career in the mid 1940s, contributing to magazines like Chispa, Mundo Infantil, PBT, KKO, Pocholo, Nicolas, Timoteo and La Risa. Among his early characters were 'Cejudo Gorílez' for Pocholo and 'Cocodura, el Conde de Calvatiesa' for Chispa. Text (c) Lambiek