In Zenitram  's collection
Louis Forton, Un  voleur Puni !! C'est déjà à cause de NOUNOURS !! - Comic Strip

Un voleur Puni !! C'est déjà à cause de NOUNOURS !!

Comic Strip
Publication TBO #849 - 1933
Une autre publication en N&B 1933


Le pire est que je me marre à la lecture de ce gag idiot !! Forton quel dessinateur comique !!

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About Louis Forton

Louis Forton is a French scriptwriter and comic strip artist. Louis Forton was one of the pioneers of the French comic strip. He is notably the author of the famous satirical and humorous series Les Pieds nickelés, created in 1908, and Bibi Fricotin, created in 1928.