Dans la collection de occultis 
Vittorio Giardino, The Death of Corto Maltese - Planche originale

The Death of Corto Maltese

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


This page was first published in the Italian and French book Dedicated to Corto Maltese in 1981. It was also published in the (A Suivre) Special Pratt issue after Pratt´ s death in 1995. It is a hommage from one Italian master to another, and shows Corto Maltese facing a Fascist execution squad in the Spanish Civil War in 1937. It also shows Giardino´ s principal hero Max Fridman and Bouche Doree, the mystical lady from the Corto Maltese series, watching and commenting.
Pratt had hinted that Corto was killed in the Spanish Civil War, but he never got around to create a story about it. Instead, we have this one-page story; dramatic, mystic and poetic like Pratt´ s own Corto stories.

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A propos de Vittorio Giardino

Vittorio Giardino est un dessinateur, scénariste et coloriste italien de bande dessinée, né à Bologne. Il est notamment connu pour sa série Max Fridman.

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