In Galarfr 's collection
Hugues Micol, Terre de Feu T1, p11 - Comic Strip

Terre de Feu T1, p11

Comic Strip

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About Hugues Micol

Hugues Micol studied at the École Supérieure des Arts Graphiques in Paris from 1988. After his graducation, he worked as a freelance illustrator and graphic artist. Among his clients was the children's book publisher Nathan. It wasn't until after many years, some of which spent in Ireland, that he returned to his childhood passion: comics. His first work was the humorous western 'Chiquito La Muerte' with writer Jean-Louis Capron, published by Delcourt in 2000 and 2001. Micol has since worked on comics in a great variety of genres, for which he either worked with scriptwriters or wrote the stories himself. He published the black-and-white fantasy comic '3' with Éditions Cornélius, and then teamed up with Éric Adam to create 'Les Contes du 7ème Souffle', a historical adventure series set in Japan, for Vents d'Ouest (2002-2006). He turned to science fiction for 'Prestige de l'uniforme', that he made with Loo Hui Phang for Dupuis in 2005. He wrote and drew the historical adventure comic 'Les Parques' for Vents d'Ouest in 2007 and 2008, and worked with Éric Adam again for 'D'Artagnan!' (Vents d'Ouest, 2008-09). In 2008 he also published 'Séquelles', the follow-up to his comic '3', for Cornélius. He then added western to his credits, with the series 'Terre de Feu', written by David B. (Futuropolis, 2008-09) Text (c) Lambiek