In Zenitram  's collection
Touïs, Gérald Frydman, Sergent laterreur gag 13 - une de me chocs de lecture ! - Comic Strip

Sergent laterreur gag 13 - une de me chocs de lecture !

Comic Strip
circa 1976
Mixed Media


Rarement j'idolatre, j'adore, je vénère mais là c'est un momumental chefd'oeuvre - dans quel état etais-je parcourant l'exposition géniale !
cerise sur le gâteau , j'ai pu papoter avec le maestro !


Merci à Pilote d'avoir publier ces bandes !!!

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About Touïs

Touïs, real name Vivian Miessen, is a Belgian comic artist, best known for his cult series 'Le Sergent Laterreur' (1971-1973) which was a regular feature in Pilote. He was furthermore one of the most renowned animators in the Franco-Belgian region. He has worked for numerous European animated features by Belvision, Picha and other companies, including several 'Astérix' pictures. He has lived and worked in France for most of his life, and is based in the Chêvennes region since 2014.