Raymond Cazanave, Publié dans Frivolet - Comic Strip

Publié dans Frivolet

Comic Strip
35 x 26 cm (13.78 x 10.24 in.)


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About Raymond Cazanave

He expanded his comic activities in the late 1930s, working for magazines like Jeunesse Magazine and Pierrot, for which he drew 'Fifrelin, Petit Journaliste', 'Le Chevalier Mystère', and 'Boubou le Sportif'. He cooperated on Lisette in 1940 and 1941, creating stories like 'Les Gaietés de la Campagne', 'À Bon Chat Bon Rat', 'Bobette, Bobine et Bobby' and 'Je Dis Non'. In Vaillant, he began illustrating 'Le Fifre de Valmy' and he succeeded Auguste Liquois on 'Fifi, Gars du Marquis'. After brief appearances in Cap'taine Sabord ('Prince Malgré Lui') and King Kong ('Le Vautour de Minuit'), he joined the magazine L'Intrépide. There, he did comic adaptations of the films 'Rocambole' and 'Le Secret de Monte-Christo', in cooperation with writer George Fronval, and 'Le Messager de la Reine', 'La Course au Milliard', 'Surcouf' and 'Sabre au Clair!'. Raymond Cazanave cooperated on the collections Jeunesse, 34 and Hurrah! in the late 1940s. From 1950, he drew 'Pirate Malgré Lui', 'L'Étrange Marquis de Carrepont' and 'Le Secret du Capitaine Wake' in Bravo. Throughout the 1950s, he was present in Le Petit Canard ('Ismaïla, Fleur des Sables'), Les Romans-Images ('La Vraie Manon', 'Rocambole') and Ima, l'Ami des Jeunes ('Le Noël de Kerduff', 'Le Soleil Royal', 'Le Prodigieux Destin de W. Reinhardt'). Raymond Cazanave did his final comics work for Vigor, with the series 'Bob Corton'