Dans la collection de ms
Pirate Vessel par Enrique Breccia - Illustration originale

Pirate Vessel

Illustration originale
Peinture - huile
40 x 30 cm (15.75 x 11.81 in.)


An oil on canvas from Enrique Breccia. This beautiful pirate vessel is painted at night, sealing a high sea after attacking another ship.

Inscriptions / Signatures

E. Breccia (bottom right)


This is a 3 year in the making commission I made to the Argentinian Master. I have been chasing an oil on canvas from this artist for many years... finally I own one!

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A propos de Enrique Breccia

Enrique Breccia est un dessinateur d'historieta argentin, fils du dessinateur Alberto Breccia notamment connu pour la série Alvar Mayor avec Carlos Trillo mais aussi Les Sentinelles pour le marché européen avec Xavier Dorison.