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PERRAMUS - Page 67 par Alberto Breccia, Juan Sasturain - Planche originale

PERRAMUS - Page 67

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
34.5 x 47 cm (13.58 x 18.5 in.)


Page 67 from PERRAMUS, published in 1990 by LA URRACA.



In the PERRAMUS tetralogy Juan Sasturain and Alberto Breccia pay homage to Hector Oesterheld and Jorge Luis Borges.
The first episode of PERRAMUS II reproduces the key sequence of the first episode of ETERNAUTA II.
The truco game. The blackout. The talk. "But this is worse, much worse...", put into Borges's mouth.
Perramus and Borges sit down at a table to play truco (parable of Argentine destiny) when the light suddenly goes out and the city disappears like so many who will never return.
According to the writer Osvaldo Soriano, this is a memorable scene.

* Text extracted from “MEMORIE DELL’ETERNAUTA. Storia di un fumetto desaparecido”, by Fernando Ariel Garcia and Hernan Ostuni, published by 001 EDIZIONI.

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A propos de Alberto Breccia

Alberto Breccia est un auteur de bande dessinée argentin. D'abord influencé par la bande dessinée d'aventures nord-américaine (Milton Caniff), il se forge un style très personnel et en constante évolution, qui emprunte à l'art grotesque, à l'expressionnisme et au clair-obscur.

Autres planches originales et illustrations liées à Alberto Breccia :